You Don't Deserve Moth Problems

Moths are tricky. Learn how to protect and care for your clothing and precious home textiles by identifying and dealing with moths.

smiling woman wearing a wool sweater sat on a sofa

carpet moths : Page 7

How to Get Rid of Moths in Your Garage?

Want to make sure your garage is moth free? Understanding moth habits, preferred food sources, and effective elimination techniques can help. Here, we'll answer the most frequently asked questions about Carpet Moths, Pantry Moths, and Clothes Moths, and discuss keeping them out of your garage for good. Before you know it, your garage can be pristine and moth-free!

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How To Get Rid Of Moths In A Car

There are many reasons that vehicles become infested with household insects. Cars can harbor infestations of creepy-crawlies like spiders, ants, and yes, moths. Moths are mainly problematic if they infest your car and lay eggs that then hatch into larvae and begin damaging the interior. So what can you do? Well, first you will want to understand why moths are in your car to start with. Next, totally clean out (and sanitize) your vehicle. Then, natural moth sprays and repellents can be used to keep those pesky moths away. Read on to learn more!

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What Are Moths? Facts and Control Tips

Clothes Moths are tiny, half-inch-sized moths that usually come in beige or buff-brown colors. These moths have narrow wings that are fringed with little hairs. They often are mistaken for Pantry or Grain Moths. Clothes Moth Larvae eat natural materials such as wool, leather, silk, cashmere, and similar fabrics. The Scientific Name for the Clothes Moth is Tineola bisselliella.

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Where Do Moths Come From?

Moth Traps significantly reduce the numbers of sexually active adult male moths by attracting them to the sticky pheromones on the strip, helping break the breeding cycle. You will also get an indication as to the size of your moth problem. Moth Killing Spray and Moth Bombs kill these insects instantly.

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